Active ultra-lightweight and lightweight wheelchairs to empower you to live without limits.
QUICKIE QS5 X Folding Ultra Lightweight Wheelchair

QS5 XFolding Wheelchair

Experience FreeFold and save over 40% energy with every fold!

QUICKIE 2 Manual Folding Lightweight Wheelchair

Quickie 2 FamilyFolding Wheelchair

One size doesn't fit all, but one chair does.

QUICKIE QX Lightweight Folding Wheelchair

QX®Folding Wheelchair

Innovation, durability and adjustability in an ultra-lightweight value package.

QUICKIE QXi Lightweight Folding Wheelchair

QXi®Folding Wheelchair

Lightweight folding adjustable wheelchair. Durable with quick and intuitive adjustments

QUICKIE M6 Heavy Duty Wheelchair

M6®Folding Wheelchair

Bariatric personalized folding wheelchair to meet the need for a reinforced frame. Heavy duty performance for everyday use.

QUICKIE 5R Manual Rigid Ultra Lightweight Wheelchair

5RRigid Wheelchair

Highly adjustable wheelchair to elevate your mobility

QUICKIE QRi Manual Rigid Lightweight Wheelchair

QRi®Rigid Wheelchair

No-nonsense wheelchair for your daily journeys. This lightweight wheelchair will offer great value

QUICKIE GP Lightweight Rigid Frame Wheelchair

GP® SeriesRigid Wheelchair

Cruise in a classic Quickie wheelchair

QUICKIE® IRIS Manual Tilt Wheelchair

IRIS®Tilt In Space Wheelchair

40° or 55° of Intelligent Rotation in Space Technology

QUICKIE® SR45 Manual Tilt Wheelchair

SR45®Tilt In Space Wheelchair

The simple solution for
rotation-in-space wheelchair technology

QUICKIE® ACCESS Manual Tilt Wheelchair

ACCESSTilt In Space Wheelchair

Independent propelling with the benefits of tilt and recline. Better ACCESS to life.