Manual Wheelchairs / ZIPPIE / Children's Tilt-In-Space Wheelchairs

Children's Tilt-In-Space Wheelchairs

Zippie pediatric tilt-in-space wheelchairs help to improve your child's positioning to help facilitate feeding and respiratory function, reduce pressure, and improve line of sight. Designed specifically for kids, they are simple to use, reliable, and include built-in adjustments to keep up with your child as they grow!

ZIPPIE IRIS Kids Tilt Wheelchair

ZIPPIE® IRIS®Tilt In Space Wheelchair

Cutting-edge rotation-in-space wheelchair technology designed just for kids

ZIPPIE TS Pediatric Tilt Wheelchair

TSTilt In Space Wheelchair

Zippie's original pediatric tilt-in-space wheelchair. Kids' wheelchair including tilt and growth.

ZIPPIE Sphynx Pediatric Folding Fixed Tilt Wheelchair

SphynxChildren's Static Tilt Wheelchair

The most compact folded dimensions in its class!