Advancing Child Development: The Role of Gait Trainers in Mobility
This one-hour course will be a recap of the typical gait development and its critical role in a child's brain and musculoskeletal growth. This course will delve into the numerous benefits of promoting early active mobility in children with additional needs, focusing on hip joint and muscle development. Participants will explore the evidence on gait trainers, evaluate the pros and cons of various styles, and learn about the innovative features and accessories of gait trainers. These tools can significantly enhance child exploration, interaction, and participation. Real-world case studies will illustrate the practical application of clinical theories using gait trainers.
Applying Assessment and Measurements to Optimize Rigid Wheelchair Configuration
This session will review assessment criteria required for recommendation of a successful ultra-light rigid wheelchair (K0005). Key measurements as well as functional considerations help to determine optimal configuration pertaining to the frame dimensions and wheel placement. We will follow a rider through the evaluation and procurement process from start to finish to demonstrate optimal configuration for best functional outcomes.
The Assessment Process for Wheeled Mobility and Seating
The assessment process is performed with the rider (wheelchair user) and significant others to work with the clinical therapist, supplier, and sometimes the manufacturer to gather medical, physical, functional, and environmental information necessary to determine the parameters for recommending an optimal wheelchair and seating components. The assessment process for individuals requiring a wheelchair or seating incorporates medical history, home environment, transportation, MRADLs, physical & functional abilities, skin integrity, sensation, strength, range of motion, balance, neurological status, sitting posture, transfers, ambulation, wheelchair skills, and measurements. This webinar guides the participant through the process using an evaluation form for documentation, while providing a illustrated overview of the process. Download the evaluation form originally developed by Jessica Presperin Pedersen and Jill Sparacio.
Considering Mobility Equipment As It Relates to Development
This course is designed for clinicians to enhance their knowledge and clinical application of the subject matter: considering mobility equipment as it relates to development. As part of this course, we will discuss the application of mobility equipment to support the development of self-initiated movement for function and participation. Additionally, the course will review specific challenges related to children with disabilities or delay, current evidence, and the assessment and prescription of products pertaining to on-time mobility or function desired.
Matching Alternative Drive Controls for Driver Success
Providing a client with independent mobility through a power wheelchair can be life-changing for the individual. However, in many cases driving with a standard joystick is simply not an option for the client due to physical and/or intellectual limitations. The good news is there are numerous adaptations and alternative drive controls that can be utilized to drive a power wheelchair. During this one-hour educational session, participants will be introduced to a variety of equipment, adaptations, and concepts that may improve their clients' level of success with finding greater independence through power mobility.
Pathways to Independence: Innovations in Pediatric Positioning and Mobility
This three-hour course will be a recap of the use of positioning and mobility equipment and its critical role in a child's brain and musculoskeletal growth. The physical, physiological, and psychological benefits of providing the opportunity for mobility equipment and self-initiated movement through positioning and gait training will be discussed. Participants will explore the evidence on standers and trainers, evaluate the pros and cons of various styles, and learn about the innovative features and components of positioning and mobility equipment. These tools can significantly enhance child exploration, interaction, and participation. Real-world case studies will illustrate the practical application of clinical theories using positioning and mobility equipment.
Positioning for Participation and Function: 24-Hour Postural Support
A child participates in many activities throughout a 24-hour period. The wheelchair or mobility system is often addressed providing optimal transportation, opportunity for self-initiated movement, and positioning. Evidence has demonstrated the benefits of providing positioning intervention when a child is not in the wheelchair. Positions focusing on lying, sitting, and standing will be discussed. A 24-hour postural care program includes all activities the child might be involved in. This session addresses options for alternative positioning, toileting, bathing, and sleeping. Physiological and anatomical theoretical principles will be covered, incorporating how equipment can serve an individual's postural needs while promoting function and participation throughout a full 24-hour day.
Power Mobility Intervention: Considering Abilities for Optimal Function
This course is designed for clinicians to enhance their knowledge and clinical application of the subject matter. This course provides an overview of the mobility base with a focus on power mobility and alternative drive controls. Additionally, the course will review considerations based on physical impairment and functional ability of the client, with the goal to maximize participation and independence.
Primary Support Surfaces for Seating and Posture
This webinar provides education related to primary positioning devices including cushions and back supports and is designed for clinicians striving to enhance their knowledge and clinical practice. It focuses on the properties/design intent and positioning capabilities of each seating and postural support. While considering common client characteristics, the participant will enhance their knowledge and apply the clinical value and application of each design.
Thinking Critically About Mobility Base Selection and the Impact of Function
This course will provide information pertaining to mobility base selection and the impact on function. Dependent, manual, and power mobility bases will be reviewed. As part of this course, we will discuss the application of mobility equipment to support the needs of the client regarding posture, functional independence, and participation in iADLS/mRADLs. Additionally, the course will review specific challenges related to the assessment and prescription of mobility bases, current evidence, and client-specific factors to consider in the decision-making process.
Using Tilt Bases for Pressure, Posture, and Participation
The seat-to-back angle or a posterior, anterior, or lateral tilt can be incorporated into a seating system to provide increased opportunities for pressure relief, postural support, function, and participation. What benefits does an increased or decreased seat-to-back angle provide? When should it be adjustable? What are the benefits of fixed seat-to-back angles? What about tilt? How and why is tilt incorporated into a rider's day? This session provides an overview of how tilt and seat-to-back angle recommendations can be incorporated into a stroller, dependent, or manual tilt wheelchair system. Available evidence and rider experiences will be shared to illustrate interventions focusing on seat-to-back angle and tilt.