Education in Motion / Clinical Corner

Clinical Corner

Happy Occupational Therapy Month!

Happy Occupational Therapy Month!

If you have been following my blog for a while, you may recall that in October I tend to write an anniversary article to celebrate another year with Sunrise Medical Canada. This month marks my 8th year with Sunrise Medical! Since October also is Occupational Therapy month across Canada, I thought I would write a little on my experiences that led me to occupational therapy. I would also like to celebrate Occupational Therapy month by sharing a recorded webinar and by seeking input for a future webinar. More on that later in this article!


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Standardized Terms in Seating and Mobility

Standardized Terms in Seating and Mobility

Are we all speaking the same language in seating and mobility? Have you heard a wheelchair cushion being called a "pillow" by someone who does not work in this field? Do you call a "wheel lock" a "brake" on a wheelchair or an arm support an "armrest"? Is a pelvic positioning belt the same as a pelvic belt for transportation of occupied wheelchairs? (The answer to this last question is no!) The language of seating and mobility is evolving and, in fact, becoming standardized. This month, Clinical Corner will address standardized terms in seating and mobility. We will look at why standardization in terms is important and review a sampling of common terms.


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Applying Knowledge Translation in Clinical Practice

Applying Knowledge Translation in Clinical Practice

Creativity in knowledge translation helps to produce different resources that are available when and where the client needs them. Having information shared in multiple formats helps to reinforce learning, which bridges the knowledge to action gap, which is what knowledge translation is all about!


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Outcome Measures in Seating & Mobility

Outcome Measures in Seating & Mobility

Standardized and non-standardized outcome measures in seating and mobility provide information that can be used to improve individual client results. In addition, with informed consent, the results of standardized outcome measures can be pooled to help to provide a body of evidence that helps to inform evidence-based practice in the area of seating and mobility.


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Postural Supports and Restraints

Postural Supports and Restraints

The issue of restraints versus function versus postural supports is a large one! This month, Clinical Corner began to address the issue of restraints versus postural supports and personal assistance services devices. Future Clinical Corner articles will address issues such as how to minimize the use of devices that could be considered restraints on wheelchairs and when do we consider the effect of the device on an individual.


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