WC20 and Secondary Postural Supports When Traveling in Motor Vehicles Last month, we looked at Wheelchair Tie downs and Occupant Restraint Systems (WTORS) and the previous month, we looked at WC19 - the voluntary standard for wheelchairs used as seats in motor vehicles. Let's continue our look at the factors that enhance safety for individuals who remain seated in their wheelchairs while travelling in motor vehicles. Specifically, we will look at WC20, which is the voluntary standard related to seating devices for use in motor vehicles, and we will look at some of the recommendations from the Guidelines for Use of Secondary Postural Support Devices by Wheelchair Users During Travel in Motor Vehicles. 2015-01-21 Keep Reading
Wheelchair Tiedowns and Occupant Restraint Systems and Standards Last month, we looked at WC19 - the voluntary standard for wheelchairs used as seats in motor vehicles. This month, let's look at Wheelchair Tiedowns and Occupant Restraint Systems (WTORS) and how these work in conjunction with WC19 compliant wheelchairs. (If you missed last month's article, please click here.) 2014-12-15 Keep Reading
WC19 - Wheelchairs Used as Seats in Motor Vehicles This month, let's think about safety, wheelchairs, and transit. Individuals who remain seated in wheelchairs while travelling in vehicles are "45 times more likely to be injured in a crash than the typical passenger." 2014-11-25 Keep Reading
Happy Anniversary... ...to me! This month marks my 4 year anniversary with Sunrise Medical. I cannot believe how the time has flown by. I thought that for this month's Clinical Corner article I would write something very different and share some of my memorable experiences with Sunrise with all of you. 2014-10-14 Keep Reading
Maneuverability in Manual Wheelchairs - What Fork to Use? There are many factors that influence the maneuverability of manual wheelchairs and I previously have written articles on many of these factors. This month, I would like to focus on one simple choice that affects turning efficiency and performance and that is the choice of the fork in a modifiable, adjustable folding wheelchair. 2014-09-22 Keep Reading