Tips for Selecting Prefabricated Wheelchair Backs There is a plethora of prefabricated (off-the-shelf) wheelchair back supports on the market today. As a clinician, recommending the correct type of back support is only half the battle. Together with your equipment specialist (e.g. RTS, ATP, and/or manufacturer representative) you also need to make sure it is sized and set up appropriately to meet your client's needs. 2019-05-30 Keep Reading
Paralympian Gains Improved Maneuverability and Posture with Personally Configured Rigid Ultralight Wheelchair and Seating In 1995, when Gabriel was 11 years old, he sustained a complete spinal cord injury (SCI) at the T3-T4 level as the result of a bicycle accident. 2019-05-20 Keep Reading
Axle Plates & Adjustments on Ultra Lightweight Manual Wheelchairs One of the most frustrating situations for a seating and mobility therapist is to see an active manual propeller reaching back for their rear wheel because the center of gravity setting is in the most rearward position. All ultra lightweight manual wheelchairs allow for center of gravity adjustments. This is accomplished by moving the rear axle forward or backward along the axle plate. The clinical recommendation for active users is to adjust the rear axle as far forward as possible without compromising the stability of the user. 2019-04-29 Keep Reading
Comparing & Contrasting 3 Back Frame Options for a Rigid Ultra Lightweight Wheelchair The two primary types or styles of ultra lightweight wheelchair frames are folding (x-frame folding cross brace) and rigid (box or open frame). Within the two overarching groups of ultra lightweight wheelchairs, there are a number of options available in each to lead toward the selection of the most appropriate wheelchair for a user. As a part of the complex rehabilitation technology (CRT) interdisciplinary team, it is important that you have an understanding of how these options could potentially impact a user's ability to propel his/her wheelchair in the most efficient and healthy way possible. 2019-03-29 Keep Reading
Adjustability in Power Rehab Seating in the Clinic As a member of a seating and mobility team in Long Island, New York, one of the more frustrating occurrences was delivering a wheelchair to a person who waited through the incredibly long justification, approval, and ordering process only to find out that the person had physically changed and the frame of the power wheelchair needed to go back to the dealer to be adjusted. We know that for many of our clients who have waited a very long time, the thought of having to send the wheelchair back to the dealer when delivery is so close is very upsetting for them. 2019-02-27 Keep Reading