About / Ambassadors / Nikola Goncin

Nikola Goncin

Basketball Player

"Never give up!"

I am in my 3rd year of University right now. I am studying for a Human Kinetics degree and at the same time am doing my Pre-Dentistry. I work part time at Bennet Dunlop Ford as a courtesy driver. I enjoy many sports, in the summer primarily basketball and in the winter snowboarding.

Nikola Goncin's Passion:

My passion is Wheelchair basketball. I have been playing for just about 3 years now and look forward in progressing even further in my sport. I am on the Junior Canadian team and am developmental carded for the men's National team.

Nikola Goncin's Dream:

At the moment I have two dreams. My life dream is to one day become a dentist and open my own practice. My second dream, much more sport orientated is to make the Men's National basketball team and compete in the Paralympics. My dream is to one day win a medal at these games.

Nikola Goncin Uses...

RGK Elite Series Sports Wheelchair

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